Friday, December 27, 2019

Microlesson: Describing Fear

This week's microlesson is on the topic of fear. It covers the vocabulary phobia and terrified and discusses the usage of the words fear, afraid and frightened.

See it here:

Sample screenshot:

Friday, December 20, 2019

Monday, November 25, 2019

BITS - a Vocab Game

BITS is a game that I made targeting B1 level vocabulary (pre/intermediate). Just look at the clue and form the words by choosing the correct letter combinations.

Give it a try at the link below:

Sample screenshot:

Friday, November 22, 2019

Microlessons: Past Tense of Modal Verbs

This week's microlesson is a review of a grammar topic: the past tense of modal verbs.

Click the link to see the activity:

Sample screenshot:

Friday, November 15, 2019

Microlesson: Smart and Stupid People

Here is a set of eight words used to describe smart and stupid people.

The eight words are: intellectual, moron, genius, numbskull, bright spark, dimwit, brilliant, simpleton

If you have a smartboard, this makes a fun quickie activity to do with your students.


Friday, November 08, 2019

Microlesson: Confusing Uncountable Nouns

Here is a set of seven uncountable nouns that often confuse learners (because they seem like they should be countable).

The seven words are: equipment, furniture, luggage, information, advice, work, homework.

If you have a smartboard, this makes a great review after teaching uncountable nouns. View it here:


Friday, November 01, 2019

Friday, October 25, 2019

Microlesson: Why Do Some Uncountable Nounds End in -S?

Why do some uncountable nouns end in -s? Find out here:

Teachers, this would make a great short presentation on a smartboard when discussing this topic!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business English Resources: Mock Meetings

Here are some more resources for Business English teachers.

The following page provides 32 topics that you can use for mock meetings. Each topic is realistic, but generic enough that the students need to technical knowledge to discuss them. The content is formatted so that it’s perfect for smartboards but can also be viewed on the students’ phones.

And here is the same content in PDF format:

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Business English: Phrases for Business Meetings

This short slide presentation demonstrates that you can break a discussion down into language functions. When a learner is confident with each of these functions, he or she will be able to engage more confidently in business discussions and meetings.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Teachers' Guide to Social Media

I've spent a bit of time this year cultivating my social media and I thought this would be a good opportunity to share some of the things I have learnt. I should stress that everything here is based on my personal experience and I'm not some kind of social media expert. But then again, who is?

For my site,, I experimented with the following:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
I was also involved to some extent with a social media campaign for the e-learning company I used to work for, so some of my experience derives from there, too.

Let me start with my most important advice: use a separate account from your personal account. And, in fact, use a separate account for each of your interests, so if you are into baking, politics and teaching, set up a Twitter account for each one. I see a lot of teachers posting about politics and it really puts people off. Similarly, people who follow you for your baking recipes aren’t interested in IELTS tips.

My personal goals for social media were threefold: 1) to gain and interact with followers, just for the fun of it 2) to share discussions with other teachers 3) to promote my website. After some experimentation, I decided on the following format, which I could use for vocabulary and grammar tips:

Sunday, September 08, 2019

Saturday, September 07, 2019

Microlessons: Eating Verbs

Here is a new microlesson featuring seven specific action verbs for eating and drinking: chew, gulp, chomp, munch, wolf down, swallow and nibble.


Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Vocab Presentation Set: The Supernatural (B1+)

Here is a set of 14 vocabulary items related to the supernatural.

It's designed for use with a smartboard, but students can also see it on their phones.

This set is suitable for high B1s and up.



Friday, August 30, 2019

New Game: Drop Two

Here is a new game for ESL learners, called Drop Two. This game is especially good for ELEMENTARY level learners, as all the words are quite simple.

The aim of the game is to remove two letters from the row to form a word that matches the clue. For example, below we can remove the letters G and V to form BLUE.

Play the game here:

Microlesson: Uses of the Word POINT

Here is a new microlesson on the many interesting uses of the word POINT. Teachrs, this is a great slideshow to start your lesson with.


Wednesday, August 21, 2019


I noticed that some English learners really struggle with the concept of slang. Sometimes, they confuse the word with accent - I have heard my students say, "I can't understand his slang," but upon probing further, I find that they meant they couldn't understand the person's accent.

Recently, I posted about the word ain't and noticed that my students were very confused about it. They had been told that it is wrong to use the word ain't and so they couldn't understand why I would post it as a vocabulary item. They were also discussing whether or not it is correct to use gonna, wanna and hafta.

I suppose that the issue is that they were looking at it as a black and white issue. We have formal and informal English. A good example is purchase vs buy. We have spoken and written English (going to vs gonna). A word like ain't is very informal English, but not 'wrong'. We would also expect it to be used by people with certain backgrounds.

As for teaching it as a vocab item, even if it not recommended that students use it, they should be able to recognise it when they hear it in a song or on a TV show.

Friday, August 09, 2019

Microlesson: Expressive Writing

Try this quickie lesson to turn a sentence like this:

      A man was riding a horse.

...into this:

     It was a beautiful day in Montana and George was galloping on a magnificent horse, but all he could think of was Susan.
Link here:

Monday, June 03, 2019

New Resource: Articles

Here is a new resource: an extended practice activity on articles.

There are 55 questions in total, and it covers the basic rules of articles, with notes provided. This activity is suitable for A1-B2 standard learners (A1 with guidance, A2-B1 with or without guidance).

Try it here:

Friday, May 31, 2019


Microlessons are a new feature on This is part of the initiative to bring more visual and picture-based content to the site.

Each one features a few quick slides with a learning point presented in a nice, visual style. Microlessons are updated every week.

You can see the current microlesson on the home page. Just click beside the dot. Or you can see the index of all available lessons here:

Monday, May 27, 2019

New Game: Word Stacks

I've uploaded a new word game which should be a lot of fun for English learners to try.

The premise is very simple: use a stack of letters to make a word. The longer the word, the more points. The game ends when the user can no longer find a word. You'll have to be careful not to let the more difficult letters (x, q, z) stack up.

You can try the game here:

Friday, May 10, 2019

Words and Phrases for Talking about Money

Here is a new picture-based activity with words and phrases for talking about money. There are twenty phrases in total and it is suitable for A2-B2 level.

Below are screenshots from the activity on a laptop and phone.

Try the activity here:

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Two Common Classroom Mistakes

Teachers, do your students make these mistakes? If so, maybe these cards can help. Feel free to save, print or use them in any way.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Vocabulary: Hostage, Tied Up, Blindfolded

Here are some words to describe a hostage situation (B2+). These words could come in handy when describing or reading certain news items.

Teachers, feel free to download, copy and distribute these cards.

Monday, April 08, 2019

Vocabulary of Love

Here is an activity on the vocabulary of love, featuring 26 words and phrases. It's probably suitable for B1-B2 level learners. It consists of a presentation and quiz. Enjoy!


Thursday, April 04, 2019

Understanding Sarcasm

Sarcasm can be a difficult word to understand. I've put together a short picture series to help explain. (Teachers: feel free to download and use these or any other pictures from this blog.)

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

GRE Master

The GRE Master activity has been converted from Flash to HTML5, so it now works on mobile devices. Almost all content on now works on mobile devices.

This activity is great for people who want to improve their vocabulary range to prep for the GRE test, but it is also good for advanced level students who wish to expand their range of vocabulary. Over 3000 words are tested in the activity. It consists of a word-scramble activity and a flashcard activity.

Check it out here:

Exam Practice

Many exams include an activity where you have to find the mistake in a given sentence. Here is an extended activity (200 questions) where yo...