Sunday, December 29, 2024

Custom GPT 5: Conversation Practice with 50 Topics

I'm putting together a suite of custom GPTs to support ESL learners.

This is custom GPT number five.

This GPT provides conversation practice for ESL learners from a list of 50 topics. Once the user selects a topic, the AI will ask a question, then a follow up question and then give feedback on the user's answers. The topics match the ones on this page on the Road to Grammar website.

Teachers: recommend this to your students or try it together with them.

(ChatGPT account required).



Thursday, December 26, 2024

New Quiz: WHOSE and WHO'S

It's time for another new quiz!

Many learners are confused about WHO'S and WHOSE, especially because the pronunciation is the same.

So, here is a quiz with accompanying notes, PDF and audio:

Quiz page:


For the kids' version, I split the topic into easy and advanced question sets:

Kids' version (easy):

Kids' version (medium):


Thursday, December 19, 2024

Custom GPT 4: Conversation Practice for Beginners

I'm putting together a suite of custom GPTs to support ESL learners.

This is custom GPT number four.

This GPT provides conversation practice for beginners (CEFR A1-A2). You can choose to "just talk" or talk and get feedback. The GPT will converse with the user on a topic chosen at random from a preselected list.

Teachers: recommend this to your beginner students or try it together with them.

(ChatGPT account required).




Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Custom GPT 3: Phrasal Verb Master

I'm putting together a suite of custom GPTs to support ESL learners.

This is custom GPT number three.

This GPT will help you practice phrasal verbs. You can choose one of three activities:

2 Fill in the blanks
3 make a sentence

The GPT will give you feedback and explain if you've made a mistake. There are hundreds of phrasal verbs to practice.

Teachers: try this with your students. Learners: try it by yourself!

(ChatGPT account required).



Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Custom GPT 2: Make a Sentence

I'm putting together a suite of custom GPTs to support ESL learners.

This is custom GPT number two.

This GPT will give you a word and you need to make a sentence with it. Then, the GPT will give you feedback on the sentence. Words are at intermediate level and above.

It's a very simple app, but a very effective way to improve your vocabulary. For example, if you practice 5-10 words per day, you will definitely see an improvement within a short time.

Teachers: try this with your students. Learners: try it by yourself!

(ChatGPT account required).



Monday, December 16, 2024

Custom GPT 1: Building a Persuasive Argument

I'm putting together a suite of custom GPTs to support language learning and communication skills.

Here is the first one!

This GPT will prompt you to enter an argument (e.g., The US should tighten gun control) and any relevant background information. It will then create a series of supporting points in categories such as ethos/logos/pathos/appeal to virtue/financial argument etc.

This is an excellent teaching/learning tool or even an ideation tool for essays. Try it out! (ChatGPT account required).



Saturday, November 30, 2024

Video: Guess the Vocab

Here's another video that I've put on YouTube, in a new format.

The video features 10 vocabulary items. First, you hear (and see) an example with the vocabulary bleeped out (hidden by a beep sound). You have a few seconds to guess what it is. Then, you hear the example again with the vocabulary revealed.

Try it out at this link and also check out Road to Grammar's other videos:


Friday, November 22, 2024

Listen Up!

To continue the series of context exercises on Road to Grammar, here is a listening context activity.

Listen Up! features 100 vocabulary items with three audio clips for each one. The user listens to the audio clips and guesses the meaning of the vocabulary item from the context.

This activity sharpens your listening skills, study skills and vocabulary repertoire. It is most suitable for CEFR B1-B2 levels.



Saturday, October 19, 2024

Exam Practice

Many exams include an activity where you have to find the mistake in a given sentence.

Here is an extended activity (200 questions) where you can practice this and sharpen your exam skills. For each question, you will get detailed feedback, and you can practice sets of 20 questions at a time.

The link is:


Thursday, October 17, 2024

October's Microlessons

One of the most useful features of Road to Grammar is the weekly "microlessons". These are short slideshows featuring a grammar/language point or a vocabulary set with audio and examples. A different microlesson is featured every week.

October's microlessons include:

1 Time Phrases

2 Longer is more polite

3 Phrases with DROP

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Some Grammar and ESL Vids

I've been playing around with video content for the RoadToGrammar channel on YouTube.

Here's what I've come up with so far (feel free to like and subscribe - it'll encourage me to make more):

5 Idioms:

FEW vs a FEW:


Screenshot from the FIVE IDIOMS video:

Friday, August 16, 2024

New Quiz: SAY and TELL

Here is another new quiz on Road to Grammar, on the topic SAY and TELL. Many learners use these two simple words incorrectly. Do you know which one takes an indirect object?

This quiz include 10 questions, a topic introduction, notes, answer key + explanation, audio and a PDF version.

Quiz page:


Kids' version:


Saturday, July 06, 2024

New Quiz: YOUR and YOU'RE

There is another new quiz on Road to Grammar on the topic YOUR and YOU'RE - many learners - and even native speakers - mix up these two words.

This quiz include 10 questions, a topic introduction, notes, answer key + explanation, audio and a PDF version.

Quiz page:


Kids' version:


Sunday, June 30, 2024

New Quizzes: -S or No -S (Basic and Advanced)

There are two new quizzes on Road to Grammar, both on the topic of when to use the -S ending. The first quiz covers the basics and features 18 questions. The second quiz covers more advanced issues and features 14 questions. Each quiz includes topic introductions, notes, answer key + explanation, audio and PDF version.

1 -S or No -S Part 1 (Basic)

Quiz page:


Kids' version:

-S or No -S Part 2 (Advanced)

Quiz page:


Kids' version:


Monday, June 10, 2024

New Quiz: ENOUGH

There is another new quiz on Road to Grammar on the topic of using the word ENOUGH - many learners make the mistake of using it in the wrong place in the sentence.

This quiz include 12 questions, a topic introduction, notes, answer key + explanation, audio and a PDF version.

Quiz page:


Kids' version:


Sunday, June 02, 2024


There are two new quizzes on Road to Grammar. These quizzes include 12+ questions, topic introductions, notes, answer key + explanation, audio and PDF version.

1 Distinguishing when to use MUCH and MANY

Quiz page:


Kids' version:

2 Distinguishing when to use HOW MUCH and HOW MANY

Quiz page:


Kids' version:


Friday, April 19, 2024

Writing from Notes with ChatGPT

The following article has some great tips on writing from notes with ChatGPT, for Business English learners or anyone else interested.

Simply click on the link or the picture below:

Monday, April 01, 2024

Create a Customised Dictionary App with ChatGPT

The following article explains how to create a customised dictionary app wth ChatGPT. 

It's a great thing ESL learners to try. Simply click on the link or the picture below:

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Business English Listening Activities

I have just uploaded a new listening section on Road to Grammar's business English page. It features 20 short conversations suitable for B1+. Each conversation comes with an audio clip, a question activity, script and language notes.

You can access these listening activities here:


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Audio Support for Vocab Gym

All of the picture-based vocabulary quizzes in Road to Grammar's Vocab Gym now come with audio examples.

After you have answered a question, an audio icon will appear (see picture below) and you can click this to hear the audio.

You can find the Vocab Gym activity here.

Custom GPT 9: Debate Practice

I'm putting together a suite of custom GPTs to support ESL learners. This is custom GPT number  nine . This GPT allows learners to pract...