Sunday, February 18, 2007

It's Bedlam!

In English, when we say something is 'bedlam', it means chaos or madness.

The word bedlam comes from the name of a hospital for mental patients - Hospital of Saint Mary of Bethlehem. The common people pronounced Bethlehem as Bedlam.

In the 1700s people used to go to this hospital for entertainment. They would bring their families to laugh at the mad people there! Please don't try this today!
New Stuff on R2G

Two new things on R2G at the moment:

1 You can win a copy of 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' by posting a link to R2G on your blog or website. Get the details at

2 Try out a new activity to test your knowledge of sounds in English.

New Quiz: YOUR and YOU'RE

There is another new quiz on Road to Grammar on the topic YOUR and YOU'RE - many learners - and even native speakers - mix up these two ...